Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:
1. Passion
This card says it takes a passion fueled by vision and purpose to greet every single day with a high level of enthusiasm and pure childlike joy. What makes you tick? What feeds and fuels your soul? What fills your life with energy and fire? Your soul needs something beneficial to focus on. Give a healthy voice to those uncomfortable feelings of anger, fear, hurt, or disappointment. If you want to know the purpose of your life and move towards it, you need to allow your Inner Fire to speak out loud.
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2. Beauty
Feel both sides of the story and allow yourself to see that life isn’t black or white but full of colors, shapes, experiences, and beneficial challenges. Also, feel both sides of yourself. Sometimes you might focus too much on your perceived faults and weaknesses and forget how gifted and beautiful you are as a being. See the beauty inside of you; accept it, embrace it, unveil it to others.
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3. Perspective
This card asks you to think about your life – are you seeing things from a higher perspective or are you being caught up in the heavy threads of duality? Remember you create your reality. It’s all a matter of perspective. You have the power to build yourself up or tear yourself down. Imagine what it would be like to live your daily life from a higher perspective. How easy and flowing everything would be! This is possible but it requires your will, commitment, and sustained devotion.
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Reiki blessings!
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