Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:
1. Nothing
Try not to schedule every second of your life. Try not to fill up every crack of the day with “productive” things. This card suggests getting more in touch with the space of nothingness within you. Nothingness is the source of all possibilities. Do less to become more. Give yourself a break. Although it seems like a paradox, doing nothing is the thing to do.
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2. Source
As you move forward in life do you feel yourself getting closer to your Divine Source or turning further away from it? This card is infusing your life with the profoundness of the Spirit – you need to get closer to your true essence and Divine Source. Turn inwards and dive deeply into your being because the Source of all light and life is within you. Stop seeking it outside your being. Like a flower’s fragrance, you spread the essence of your inner source wherever you go.
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3. Patience
Have you ever observed nature’s wisdom in patience? A flower blooming, a spider weaving its web, a lion hunting its prey. Patience is a superhero virtue and can be considered as a lifelong spiritual practice towards emotional freedom. This card invites you to expand your patience skills towards yourself, others, and life itself. Cultivate the peace of mind every time impatience steps in and have faith in your inner truth.
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Reiki blessings!
The post Oracle Card Reading November 3-9, 2024 appeared first on Reiki Rays.