Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:
1. Frequency
This card is here to remind you that the easiest and most efficient way to change your life is by changing your frequency. Align your energy. Consciously choose to focus on creating high-frequency energies and work on clearing the low-frequency ones already accumulated. You attract people and situations that are of the same frequency as you, based upon what you send out into the world. To heal any area of your life, stay in the high frequency of gratitude, joy, peace, and unconditional love.
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2. Patience
Have you ever observed nature’s wisdom in patience? A flower blooming, a spider weaving its web, a lion hunting its prey. Patience is a superhero virtue and can be considered as a lifelong spiritual practice towards emotional freedom. This card invites you to expand your patience skills towards yourself, others, and life itself. Cultivate the peace of mind every time impatience steps in and have faith in your inner truth.
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3. Embody
Have you ever “met” your Higher Self or embodied it? What was it like for you? When you connect to and embody your Higher Self, the way you perceive yourself, others, and life transform forever. This card invites all aspects of your Higher Self to shine through your being so you can become a translucent vessel of Divine embodiment. Remember who you are! Allow your transformation to finally happen and meet your most authentic state of being.
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Reiki blessings!
The post Oracle Card Reading June 30 – July 06, 2024 appeared first on Reiki Rays.