Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:
1. Source
As you move forward in life do you feel yourself getting closer to your Divine Source or turning further away from it? This card is infusing your life with the profoundness of the Spirit – you need to get closer to your true essence and Divine Source. Turn inwards and dive deeply into your being because the Source of all light and life is within you. Stop seeking it outside your being. Like a flower’s fragrance, you spread the essence of your inner source wherever you go.
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2. Support
If you want to support yourself and the planet in a meaningful way, start by being of service to others. This is what fully living in the light means. When you focus on others in a healthy way and support their life journey, the genuine service you offer them becomes a spiritual practice. The message of this card is to feel the interconnectedness of all life through the power of unconditional support.
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3. Love
If you have chosen this card, it means you need to invite love into your life and allow it to flow freely through your being. Feel and radiate love for all there is and practice gratitude consistently. There is a saying, “If you want to help others heal, love them.” No matter our past, we are all worthy of love. Especially you! This is an invitation to live in the love vibration and to remember your true essence.
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Reiki blessings!
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