Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:
1. Listen
Listening is such a simple act and at the same time so complex! Through this card, you are invited to practice the healing art of listening. Great healing is available when we listen to ourselves and each other. Have you ever felt that your soul was truly heard by another? Have you ever felt the deep gratitude of those who really felt heard by you? Listening requires presence and presence requires practice, but you have to start now.
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2. Tribe
It’s time to surround yourself with like-minded people. This card gently invites you to follow your visionary heart and let yourself be pulled by the spiritual magnetism of your tribe. Once centered and confident in your Higher Identity, observe how you attract others into your life who suit you on an energetic level and have the blessed ability to enrich your spirit. The closer you get to those who light you up, the closer you get to yourself!
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3. Creator
Well, well… Look who’s ready to step forward into the next chapter of existence! Big shifts are coming in your life – be prepared for them! You are being invited to be a co-creator. Instead of listening to outer guidance, you’ll have to focus more on your inner guidance. Your path is unique and imprinted with your own soul essence, so looking outside for guidance will only create more confusion. There will be a time when we as light beings will return back Home to create planets and universes so let’s take this as training.
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Reiki blessings!
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