May 2024: Values and Communication
Focus: Finances and Comforts
King of the Month: Taurus
Element: Earth
Mode: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Venus
HIGHLIGHTS: Beltane, Pluto Retrograde, Jupiter Enters Gemini
Are you starting to reel it back in? Perhaps you are taking it easy, making sure you have solid footing before moving forward. Well, it’s nice to slow down sometimes and plan before acting. Taurus wants you to feel safe and comfortable in your process of…everything!
The earth aspect of Taurus keeps this energy grounded and practical, which may bring your attention towards finances and investment planning. And of course it would, Taurus loves nice things; all things beautiful, just remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and Taurus doesn’t like an empty wallet. Seek to satisfy your heart, not to compete with the Jones’. For all you know, the Jones’ may be struggling to keep up with themselves. Consider what makes sense for you before emptying your pockets.
The planetary influence, Venus, also entices you with beauty; whether it’s the arts, material things or the comforts of home, all roads will leave you hopelessly surrendering to the nurturing pizzazz of the bull. Now, what you can learn from this sign is that hard work, with your eye on the prize, results in reward. The key will be to determine what you want to work hard at and what you would like your reward to be. Again, consider what matters to YOU. Perhaps you want to nurture your relationship, your career…or your spirit. Taurus wants to spoil you with all of life’s riches: financial, mental, physical and spiritual.
Taurus also reminds you that holding a red cape doesn’t mean you’re in control, nor does it mean you will win the fight. If conflict should arise and you feel an urge to hold your ground, consider the source of your stubbornness. Are you acting from ego or standing firm in a space of love? It can be easy to confuse the two, but love knows that your POWER doesn’t come from your push, it comes from what you know/believe to be true. Be honest about your motivation and feelings when you refuse to budge.
Gift From Taurus: May you feel safe and nurtured by the fruitfulness of mother earth and the divine spirit that guides your physical vessel. May you love so deeply that you feel supported and grounded in the partnerships that act as mirrors, showing you that you exist in all. May you come to know your ability to create without restriction, enjoying all of life’s comforts, with passion and a deep sense of stability.
Events of the Month…
May 1st: Beltane + Venus Square Pluto
May 2nd: Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius, until September 1st, then Retrograde in Capricorn until October 11th
May 7th: New Moon in Taurus
May 12th: Mothers Day
May 20th: Sun Enters Gemini
May 23rd: Full Moon in Sagittarius
May 25th: Jupiter Enters Gemini
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