April 2024: Activation and Stability
Focus: Bold Action, Self-Focus and Values
King of the Month: Aries
Element: Fire
Mode: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Mars
HIGHLIGHTS: Mercury Retrograde, and Total Solar Eclipse
Register for the Reiki Retreat Intensive, in San Diego, September 2024!
Whether you’re full of joyous laughter, or pouting because no one wants to play by your rules, you are causing some form of ruckus. Hello Aries. This energy is full of child-like excitement, with the temperament of a child who is spoiled. Either way it goes, your feelings or intentions will not go unnoticed. If you find yourself making a lot of noise, this is a reminder that silence, too, is golden. We often get more out of observation and listening before inserting our objectives.
Being ruled by Mars only adds fuel to the fire, but the flames aren’t always meant to burn. This energy can be channeled to heighten your drive and determination. You may feel encouraged to take bold action, distinguishing yourself from the crowd. The key will be to recognize if you’re ramming forward with assertiveness or aggression. There is a difference: play nice and be mindful of your arrangement of words.
Aries is also up for any challenge. If you have a goal in mind, but there is an obstacle in view, this energy will support you in finding a solution. And if you have ever considered taking a role in leadership, allow this energy to teach you how it’s done! While Aries can be a lot to digest (it’s hard to swallow what you can’t catch), this sign knows how to lead with authority and will inspire greatness from all whom follow. The key word here is inspire: this can be done respectfully; not all who lead have done so through fear. Ask a Libra to explain how to catch more flies with honey…because Aries isn’t here for that.
If you have a tendency to be extreme, don’t let this energy take you over the edge. Aries doesn’t do anything with subtlety. It can be okay to jump, but be mindful of your landing, while considering what you may be jumping in to. Yes, Aries will take the time to do the research, but once they have decided, it’s all or nothing. Remember, there’s balance in all things.
Gift From Aries: May you be bold in your stance, impervious to ideals that are not aligned with your vision and purpose, moving blissfully past the grips of contentment. May you have the gall to believe in yourself, first and foremost, understanding that you must be the leader of your own destination and cause. May you laugh, uproariously, shaking and dismantling any obstruction of truth.
Events of the Month, Mark Your Calendar…
Mercury Retrograde + Fools Day: April 1st
Alchemist of the Month: New Moon in Aries, Total Solar Eclipse, April 8th
Sun Enters Taurus: April 19th
Queen of the Month: Full Moon in Scorpio, April 23rd
Mercury Direct: April 25th
Register for the Reiki Retreat Intensive to explore your relationship to YOU and energetic alchemy!