Combining Reiki with Your Affirmations

Combining Reiki with your affirmations is a powerful method of improving your mindset. With an improved mindset, we can achieve success with our goals. In this article today, I will provide you with everything you need to know. Let’s get started!

An affirmation is a positive statement of truth. Continually repeating a well thought out affirmation, can reset your mind into believing it. As a result, those changes you wish to manifest, can become a reality. I should know!

As a result of combining Reiki with the creation of my affirmations, I have manifested my business, my home and most important of all, my happiness.

Affirmations Raising Your Vibration

When stating an affirmation from your heart, feelings of wellness will overcome you. Therefore, an affirmation has the power to raise your vibration. Furthermore, adding Reiki to it will further amplify your feelings of wellness. Subsequently, you are in the process of raising your vibration to connect with the healing energy of the Universe.

Raising your vibration is of course, something that occurs when receiving your attunement to Reiki. However, doing self-Reiki, tasks and exercises that make you feel good, also raises your vibration.

Having a raised vibration is an essential component for attracting the good things into your life.

What you think, feel, and believe is important because you will attract anything on a similar vein. Therefore, sustaining a ‘balanced mindset’ is key to achieving success.

Sustaining a balanced mindset

Notice how I’ve stated a ‘balanced mindset’?

Unfortunately, for many people, achieving a balanced mindset is extremely difficult. Thankfully, practicing Reiki as part of a self-care routine assists with sustaining a balanced mindset. As a result, when experiencing difficult situations, we can find solutions thus moving forward to calmer times.

I personally believe that it is impossible to be happy every day of your lifetime. Regardless of whether you agree, bad times help you to grow. This is especially true if like me, you have a daily foundation of self-care that includes Reiki.

Reiki works on all levels, mind, body, and soul. Therefore, you can bring clarity to your feelings and situations. Furthermore, answers are revealed rather than suppressing emotions and avoiding situations. I should know!

My background prior to bringing Reiki into my life was one of trauma and stress, which eventually turned into a diagnosis of General Anxiety Disorder. I know all about how irrational fear and negative thinking held me back in life. Reiki is now my foundation of self-care that leads to a better and more fulfilling life.

What Have I Learned About Affirmations?

Practicing Reiki daily is the foundation to my success. It brings me such profound wisdom that assists with my transformation.

Prior to my attunement to Reiki, I set myself affirmations because I was wanting to manifest a better life for myself. However, I have made mistakes along the way and hopefully my learning lessons, will assist you.

To begin with, I looked for affirmations on the Internet to use. As a result, these statements of truth were not coming from my heart. In fact, they grew my feelings of lack.

The affirmation below is what I copied from the Internet.
‘I live a happy and fulfilling life’.

I was unknowingly, setting myself up for failure.

My headspace was most certainly not balanced. I was struggling with overcoming a negative cycle of thinking. Often, I found myself treading water and battling with my inner critic. Therefore, when stating the above affirmation, I felt the opposite. As a result, I was feeling doubtful that I can achieve wellness and happiness.

I wish someone had told me to fully FEEL good when stating the affirmation. If you don’t believe what you are saying, you will not be feeling empowered when stating it.

It is critical that your affirmation makes you feel good.

Don’t forget!

You attract the energy you are feeling.

Below, I have included steps to take that will allow you to feel what you want to attract.

Finding those good feelings

Write down the positive emotions you want to be feeling when stating an affirmation.
If you want to be a successful, self-employed Reiki practitioner, write down the emotions you will feel when achieving success. Would you be happy, safe, secure?

Looking at these positive feelings, think back to a time when you were fully experiencing any of them. If you are struggling, go back to your childhood when you had no fears. It’s important that you are looking for the feeling and not a similar situation.

Relive everything about this moment, what you were doing, who you were with, what senses were prominent?

Amplify everything that you see, feel, hear, taste, and smell. Make the colours vibrant, the fragrances sweeter. Grow those good feelings.

Write a few words to describe your good feelings when reminiscing, while paying attention to how your feelings may grow.

Now, you are feeling those good feelings. When stating your affirmation, you can focus on and feel these feelings of truth.

Shorten your words into a statement of truth about how you are feeling when reminiscing. Your positive statement of truth should begin with, I AM, I FEEL, or I HAVE. This is your affirmation.

State aloud your affirmation. Do you feel those good feelings?

This is how you create a powerful affirmation, which is true and comes from your heart. Knowing those feelings and feeling them when stating aloud, allows you to fully feel the truth of your affirmation.

Combining Reiki with Your Affirmations

Firstly, it’s important to know that using Reiki daily is your foundation to success.

In addition, combining Reiki with the creation of your affirmations is such a wonderful and enlightening process. It takes affirmation setting to a whole new level. Subsequently, I have absolutely no doubt that you will feel your power. Finally, with practice, you will easily create new affirmations that affirm how good you feel. You never know in the future when these creations may become useful.

Set your intention to revisit a time in your past when you first felt the feelings you are after.

If you are attuned to use your symbols, use the CKR, HSZSN, SHK, and CKR in that order. These will bring, power, focus, connection to your past while providing mental, and emotional balance. Don’t worry if you are not attuned to using the symbols. A good, clear intention will assist.

Take three deep, grounding breaths and close your eyes.

Connect with the energy of Reiki.

Begin with your self-Reiki hand positions on your head.

Relax and meditate to find those good times to relive, using all your senses. Amplify these senses while performing your self-Reiki. When moving to your Heart chakra, feel the gratitude for feeling good.

State out aloud how you are feeling at the height of your sensations.

Finish your meditative state of self-Reiki and draw the CKR to seal in those positive feelings.

Write out your affirmation beginning with I AM, I FEEL, or I HAVE.

Repeat it and test those feelings.

This is most certainly a positive statement of truth that comes from your heart. When repeating it, you will feel these good feelings. As a result, you will attract good feelings.

I would love to hear how you get on with combining Reiki with your affirmations. Good luck!

Article by Amanda Norman

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Amanda Norman

Amanda Norman is an USUI Reiki Master/Teach who started teaching Reiki in 2020. It is her passion introducing the beauty of Reiki to people looking for a holistic approach to wellness.
Following her diagnosis of General Anxiety Disorder in 2017, finding Reiki has become the foundation of her self-care. Amanda is now a full-time Spiritual Life Coach and Mentor practicing in Liverpool, UK.
Services: Reiki attunement and treatments, tarot card reading, meditation, teaching, moon magic, jewellery maker, spiritual life coaching.
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